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Heart Rot is...

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Introducing our ladies...


Hometown: Charlotte, North Carolina

Pronouns: she/her

Instrument: vox & guitar

Fav animal: Otter!

Sign: Capricorn

Fav color: Brown, dark green, lilac

Fav soup: This question is stumping me. I googled soup types in an attempt at self discovery and now I’m craving soup and still no answer. Good soup.

Retirement location: a cottage in the pacific northwest with a very bountiful vegetable garden

Fav band: Hole

Fav album: Live Through This

Earworm song: nanananana every day like my ipod stuck on replay

Dizzy level: extreme !


Hometown: raised in Rhode Island, graduated in Vermont

Pronouns: she/her

Instrument: drumssss🥁

Fav animal: jellyfish & butterfly!

Sign: Pisces

Fav color: Any shade of blues & greens 

Fav soup: Butternut squash specifically in a mug!

Retirement location: Anywhere by the ocean with fruit trees and pretty clouds

Fav band: Honeyblood & The White Stripes

Fav album: Fire & Water (at the moment)

Earworm song: On the Bound

Dizzy level: out of this world 


Hometown: suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio

Pronouns: she/her

Instrument: guitar!!

Fav animal: small dogs, cats, snails

Sign: Virgo!

Fav color: dark purples and black

Fav soup: butternut squash! minestrone! udon noodle!

Retirement location: pacific northwest? maybe somewhere on the east coast?

Fav band: hole, the breeders, sonic youth

Fav album: live through this

Earworm song: Jennifer's Body

Dizzy level: always giggling and getting confused

We are a girl witch rock glitter folk trio grunge noise fairy dust band living and schooling and being dizzy in New York City. Keep up with our website for all things Heart Rot! We currently have an album in the works and are playing shows around the town. Lookout for our blog and podcast, coming soon!! Mwah!


Contact for press, booking, info, or questions directly into the inbox of Miss Lily, Miss Ceci, and Miss Maya :)




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